Digital Innovation: Embracing Change for Organizational Success

Introduction/ Overview

Today’s business environment is in a constant state of change with the proliferation of technology and organisations are compelled to innovate and change in order to survive and continue to grow.

One of the most profound effects of technology to organisations has been in the exponential growth resulting in organisations growing faster than ever compared to organisations of yester-years. This has created not only a need to reassess the way we look at change but also the speed of change.

In recent years, the adoption of technology in the business world has accelerated, as organizations continue to seek competitive advantage and efficiency to meet the demands of the online consumer. This rapid pace of change is getting more and more difficult especially for companies who have been operating in the traditional environment and is now required to excel in the world of abundance.

So how do these traditional organisations transform quickly enough. How do they overcome the perils of an embedded organizational pattern established through years of practice? How do they continue to sustain themselves and grow in this digital world.

The responsibility of change today for modern organisations lies not only in the leaders but to everyone in the organisation. Knowing how to plan for and implement change is a critical skill for every modern manager.

This 2-day program provides a deeper understanding of the challenges, the techniques and the problems associates with initiating and implementing changes in an organization particularly in today’s digital age. Using a blend of change methodologies and holistic thinking approaches, this program enables the participants to have a practical approach blending both theory and practice in organisational change strategies and decision making. It looks at critical areas from the perspective of people, process and technology that must change in order to lead in this new digital environment. If follows a step-by-step approach and combines a hands-on approach and collaborative sessions to cultivate knowledge sharing and experiential learning.

Learning Objectives

This program seeks to inculcate into each participant through group activities, theoretical discussions, individual presentation and interactive learning, the skills to:

Develop an adaptive mindset for change

Understand the common behavioural patterns of organisation

Understand the process of change in an organisation

Increase team collaboration and co-creation


This program is learner-centered and interactive, with unique activities developed to allow participants to immerse themselves into the concepts taught. This program consists of a mixture of group discussions, practice, theoretical lectures, thought-provoking and engaging team activities, self-learning and reflection and debriefing sessions to integrate learning.

Programme Outline

Day 1:

Session 1: Organisational Change
  • Common Behavioral Patterns of Organisation
  • Barriers and Enables of Change in Organisations
  • Change Management Models
Session 2: Creating Awareness for Change
  • Your change journey: A Reflection
  • Communicating The Need for Change
  • Systems Thinking: Building Your Change Roadmap
Session 3: Building Desire for Change
  • Change leadership : Bridging Vision and Reality
  • Building a change culture: Revitalising Your Organisations
  • Learning from experience: The Time Tunnel
  • Breaking the barriers of change

Day 2:

Session 4: Building Blocks of Change
  • Cracking the code for change
  • Building competency for change
  • Stakeholder Mapping
Session 5: Reinforcing Change
  • Creating Feedback Loops
  • Techniques for Reinforcement
  • Building rewards and recognition
Session 6: Case Studies Teaching Method

This session takes the participants through various case studies on change management to reinforce learning

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