Creative Problem Solving – U! (2D)



What it takes to succeed in life depends on the kind of world we inhabit. We need to be smart, creative and flexible according to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. And as those circumstances change and old ways to respond are no longer effective, we need to consider different ways. There has never been more uncertainty than there is in today’s fast-moving world. If we are to survive, let alone succeed in this world, we have to find ways of living with the uncertainties that it brings, and crafting for ourselves new solutions to both old and new problems.

This intensive, hands-on, activity driven program teaches skills that boost better results through increased understanding and effective implementation of the problem solving and decision-making processes. It helps sharpen your skills and empowers you to take the best possible actions in any given situations. By providing you with a rigorous training environment, your active participation in our program will enable you to apply and sustain your learning to a point of forming winning habits. You will have the ability to create the greatest positive impact at every given opportunity when facing a problem and making a decision every time.

Creative Problem Solving And U! focuses on the following areas:

Convergent thinking

Discovery questioning

Divergent thinking


Solutions generation

Training Outcome
After completing the training, you should be able to: 
  • Apply creative thinking tools in problem solving
  • Create depth in the thinking process
  • Develop attitudes that enable creativity
  • Draw out your positive and creative side
  • Foster a creative and stimulating environment within your workplace
Our Methodology

Think differently to alter direction.

The experience of learning to read and write for the first time is likely to remain vivid in your memory. The skill is ingrained and it stays.  The primary objective of our training and workshop is to make your new knowledge and abilities as durable as the ones you've already accumulated.  They foster fresh ideas. They enable great feats. Individual behaviour and attitude contribute to your organization's success is what we prioritise.

Combining experiential, instructional, and discovery learning with current coaching technology promotes profound transformations in attitudes and behaviour that enable sustainable change in your business. These adjustments improve results.

Our programmes involve with 12 unique learning methodology as below:

Framework and Implementation
Our unique experiential framework and implementation empowers you to:
  • Break the habits that stifle innovation
  • Create a creative thinking workforce
  • Develop your unique creative thinking style with depth and clarity
  • Employ effective problem-solving skills to different types of situations
  • Focus on the objectives 
  • Improve your memory skills
  • Manifest required changes within the organization
  • Solve problems systematically and objectively
  • Support an innovative work environment
  • Transform ideas to plans
  • Understand and employ the creative thinking process effectively
  • Use practical decision-making skills to achieve win-win outcomes

Our program outline encompasses the following modules:

Day 1:

Module 1: The Red Dot
  • Opening the mind’s eye
  • Freedom from facts
  • Seeing the big picture
  • Power of ‘Could Be’
  • Soft focusing
Module 2: Clarify
  • Defining the problem
  • Analysis fact finding
  • Selecting the right data
  • Data collection and check sheet
  • Summarize and make a conclusion
Module 3: Ideate
  • Creating new ideas
  • Keeping an open mind
  • Incubation techniques
  • Tools for creating ideas
  • Double-loop thinking
Module 4: Develop
  • Creating options using structured brainstorming
  • Empty Your Mind
  • Common Themes
  • Common Attributes
  • Forced Connections

Day 2:

Module 5: Art Of Brainstorming
  • Brainwriting
  • Round Robin Brainstorming
  • The Charette Procedure
  • Mind Mapping
  • Role-storming
Module 6: Formulate A Plan
  • The Pareto Principle
  • Selection Matrix
  • TPN Analysis
  • Matrix Analysis
  • Paired Comparison
Module 7:Implement
  • Solutions to actions
  • Considerations, Pros & Cons Model
  • Recommendations
  • What If
  • Preparing to present
Module 8: Presentation Flight
  • Live demonstration
  • The Hot Seat
  • Role of the audience
  • Art of feedback
  • Objective and subjective review

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