Disruptive Organizations: Harnessing Technology for Innovation and Growth

About this Workshop

Over the last 3 years, we have been helping organisations use exponential technologies develop an innovative culture fostering creativity, agile decision-making, and a willingness to experiment and take risks to produce new products and services, improve operational efficiency, and improve customer experience

Workshop Outcome

Upon completion of this program, partiicpants will be able to:

  • Understand how disruptive technologies are impacting their industries.
  • Use the ExO Canvas and map it to their business model so they will have innovative ideas to further scale their organisation
  • Participants will have a playbook to use as a foundation for Exponential Growth
  • Participants will be able to innovate future ready initiatives for any organisations

Workshop Outline

Day 1 - 9.00AM to 5.00PM

Module 1: The Age of Innovation:

  • Disruptive technologies in the 4th IR
  • Impact of exponential technologies

Module 2: Modern Customer Development

  • Today’s modern business development
  • Key building blocks of modern businesses

Module 3: Customer Discovery and Innovation Diffusion

  • Importance of beach head market
  • Fundamental attributes to 10x your organisations

Module 4: Market Outreach and Market Messaging

  • Craft unique value propositions and messaging
  • Communication channels and outreach strategies

Day 2 - 9.00AM to 5.00PM

Module 5: Massive Transformational Purpose

  • Exponential organisations(ExOs)
  • Develop a Massive Transformation Purpose

Module 6: SCALED attributes of ExOs

  • Key External attributes
  • Developing External attributes

Module 7: IDEAS attributes of ExOs

  • Key Internal attributes
  • Developing internal attributes

Module 8: Business Model Canvas-ExO Canvas Mapping

  • Creating an ExO canvas
  • Mapping the Business Model Canvas and the ExO Canvas

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