Enterprise Risk Management – (Awareness & Introduction)


Managing risks is a key element of effective organization. To remain competitive, the management cannot afford to set up contingencies or control measures for every conceivable risk. Rather, they must assess each risk and develop a response proportionate to the risk. This course focuses on the ISO 31000:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 Standards that introduces learners to widely accepted risk assessment, management, and control practices using effective tools and techniques. This course also gives an insight into the legal implications if risks are not managed effectively.

This introductory programme also caters for any business operations that wishes to engage effective risk management practices by complying the ISO 31000: 2018 Risk Management and ISO 9001:2015 Risk Based Standards.

  • Creating awareness on the importance of risk management within the organization.
  • Understanding of the types of risks that threaten organization at any given time.
  • Overview of knowledge of strategies used by highly successful management team to recognize risks, assess probabilities and potential impacts, and take steps to respond to risks
  • The guideline for risk assessment and management
  • Skills in using proven risk identification and analysis tools to identify, analyze, rank, and quantify risk.
  • Insight into the statistical theory and analytical tools which are the foundation for probability estimations used to analyze and plan for managing risk.

Think differently to alter direction.

The experience of learning to read and write for the first time is likely to remain vivid in your memory. The skill is ingrained and it stays.  The primary objective of our training and workshop is to make your new knowledge and abilities as durable as the ones you've already accumulated.  They foster fresh ideas. They enable great feats. Individual behaviour and attitude contribute to your organization's success is what we prioritise.

Combining experiential, instructional, and discovery learning with current coaching technology promotes profound transformations in attitudes and behaviour that enable sustainable change in your business. These adjustments improve results.

Our programmes involve with 12 unique learning methodology as below:


1 Day

Module 1: Introduction and Overview of ISO 31000: Risk Management & ISO 9001:2015 Risk Based Thinking
  • Principles and Guidelines
  • Setting the Compliance Framework
  • Developing the Asset components (People and Property)
Module 2: Risk and Uncertainty
  • Risk & Uncertainty Analysis
  • Degree of Risk
  • Risk Measurement
  • Peril & Hazard
  • How do we classify risks
  • Risk affecting human and the Business Environment
  • Risk & Human Behaviour
  • Managing Risks
Module 3: Overview of the Risk Management Process & Administration
  • How did Risk Management evolved?
  • Definition of Risk Management (Enterprise Risk Management and Integrated Risk Management)
  • The Risk Management Process
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Duties and Roles of a Risk Manager
  • Existing and Potential Risk – Identification
  • Evaluating and Analyzing Risk
  • Selection and Implementation of appropriate Loss Prevention / Reduction Techniques
  • Monitoring and Reviewing the Risk Management Process
  • Risk Management Tools
  • Cost and Benefits of Risk Management
Module 4: Risk Identification and Analysis
  • Perception and treatment of risks
  • Attitudes / reaction towards risks.
  • Identifying risk – Identification practise and techniques
  • Identifying tools
  • Risk Analysis of Potential Frequency and Gravity (severity) of losses.
  • Selection & Implementation of the most appropriate Risk Management Technique
  • Monitoring and reviewing suitability of management technique
Module 5: Risk Evaluation and Assessment Techniques
  • Risk Assessment Plan
  • Risk Measurement
  • Hazard and Loss Analysis
  • Cause of Accidents and related theories
  • Threat & Risk Analysis Risk Matrix (Basic Introduction and Understanding)
  • Impact of Risk
  • Management of threat and risk – Damage Control and Mitigation Plan
  • Case Study

Short Video Presentation

Module 6: Liability Resulting from Risk Factor Materialization
  • Legal liability
  • Legal liability risk
  • Factors influencing legal liability risks
  • Nature of legal liability in business
  • Torts and legal liability
  • Contract and legal liability
  • Employers liability for injuries to employees
  • Product Liability
  • Risk Mitigation Plan
Module 7: Relationship between Risk Management, Crisis Management & Business Continuity Planning
  • What does Risk Management do
  • What happens when risk management fails or when risks are ignored
  • Crisis Management and its related ingredients
  • Preference?
  • Implementation of both Risk Management and Crisis Management
  • Fundamentals of Business Continuity Planning
End of Class
  • Mind Mapping
  • Key Take Aways
  • Question and Answers

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