Team Building & Bonding (2D)

"A successful team is a group of many hands and one"



Team building is an ongoing process that nurtures the growth and development of a team. It's not just about participating in fun activities; it's about building relationships, developing skills, and creating an environment where individuals can thrive collectively to achieve outstanding results.

The program is designed to be inclusive and adaptive, catering to various learning styles and preferences. It will provide a safe space to explore new ideas, voice opinions, and learn from one another's experiences. By participating actively and wholeheartedly, we can create an environment where trust flourishes, barriers dissolve, and a culture of respect and open communication thrives.

Learning Objectives

✅Understand organization Direction, Vision, Mission

✅Strengthening team bonding and communications in the organization

✅Focus on organizational operation improvements

✅Enhance the team's problem-solving abilities by encouraging innovative thinking and diverse perspectives.

✅Equip individuals with conflict resolution skills and strategies to handle disagreements constructively

✅Create a positive team culture characterized by mutual respect, support, and a shared sense of responsibility.


The program will be conducted through indoor or outdoor activities with activities based learning, gamification and competition among team concept.


2 Days 1 Night

Program Outline

Opening-Ice Breaking & Team Formation (Indoor/Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Happy, Energetic, Positive

✨Build Rapport with every person

✨Communication, Collaboration & Creative

✨The importance of Team Identity

Activity Description

The program will be start with the energetic voice from the Trainer. Start with the sweet smile from all participants to each other. Then they will walk, meet and great to everybody a very cheerful good morning. Tugu, Matahari & Traffic Light is a fun energizer which is the participants need to act as example shown by the Trainer. Tugu is they need to stand alone and act like a statue. Matahari is they need to find a partner of two and facing each other and say “weeee”. Traffic Light is the need to find partner of three and say “red” “yellow” “green”.

It will continue with the 50 cents & One ringgit. At this time, the male participants will represent One Ringgit, while the female will represents 50 cents. Trainer will say the amount of money and the participants need to move and find partners to complete the amount. Whoever didn’t find a partner, they will get fine!

The Balloon Transfer is a fun activity which is they be divided into large group male & female participants. They need to hold of their friend’s hand. Trainer will put a balloon between any of participants head. When started, they need to transfer the balloon just only using their head. Others part of body is restricted. Thrill will be continue with putting the 2nd balloon or more.

The participants then will be divided into groups. During this time, the team leader, finance office, safety officer and photographer will be appointed. Then, each groups must create their Group Names, Group Logo & Group Cheers. They will present it to others after finished.

All these activities is focuses on create cheerful opening moments among participants. This will help all the activities can be done peacefully, harmonize and energetic. Participants will build a good rapport with all levels & positions with a fun communication during the ice breaking, team formation and create their team identity.

Activity 1: Robin Hood & Lets Scramble (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Focus on the target/ goals/ key result.

✨Improvement is needed towards the target

✨Acknowledgement on the company target also Vision & Mission

✨S.M.A.R.T in developing the target

Activity Description

The Robin Hood Challenge is now begin. Each of participants will get a ‘lidi’, ‘kapas’, A4 Paper and Masking Tape. What they need to do is create a ‘sumpit’ using the provided items. They need to be creative to make sure the ‘sumpit’ works well. After finished, balloons will be tied in front of them with the distances around 3 Meter. All the participants in the group will take turns to shoot the balloons. Every single balloons burst will get points. Whoever didn’t succeed to burst the balloons, need to do improvement with their ‘sumpit’.

Continuation from the Robin Hood Challenge, we will do the Let’s Scramble Activity. The participants will be given with a piece of paper that contains a word from the company Vision & Mission. They need to communicate with each other’s to form the sentence. All groups need to collaborate to complete this task.

The activity focuses on the acknowledgement towards company goals or target. They will learn by achieving the company goals will help them to achieve the self-target in the meantime. Participants will learn the S.M.A.R.T tools as to develop the goals that has been set. Creativity of participants to make an improvement in their work is also important to make all the target is success.

Activity 2: Mr. & Mrs. Universe & It’s a Cow Lah (Indoor)

Key Points:

✨Effective Communication

✨Process in Communication

✨Communication Barriers & How to overcome

✨Improving Team Communication

Activity Description

The after lunch activity will start with the Mr & Mrs Universe energizer. It will start with a unique movement called ‘I am a king’ as to select the lucky participants. After that, the lucky participants will do a catwalk in front of the king.

This activity will help participants to be more focus and confidence along the team building journey.

It’s a Cow Lah activity is each group need to draw a ‘beautiful cow’ on the A3 paper at first. After finished, they need to show their groups cow. The thrill part is, they need to draw back their cow using the Mahjong Paper with a closed eye. One participants will draw, and others will give the instruction.

This activity is focuses on developing a good communication in a team. Participants will learn on how focus for the leaders instruction is beneficial in delivery a good result. The situation happen in this activity will make the participants aware what is the common barriers happens in communication and how to handle the situation.

Activity 3: Fast Ball (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Activity 3: Experiential Learning (Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Fun Based Learning

✨Trust to each other

✨Communication to achieve goals

✨Patience is a key of success

Activity Description

Human Idle is a trust activity. Each groups will form a circle. One person will be standing in the circle and they need to closed their eyes and fall themselves to the others members. Others job is to make sure the guy didn’t fall to the ground.

This activity will help the participants to give the trust to others and they also need to make sure they need to trust on themselves in doing their jobs

The Longest Straw is a fast challenge activity. Each group will be provided with a bunch of straw. What they need to do is tied up all the straw and the rules is must the longest trail using the straw and the straw can’t be at the ground.

This activity focuses on the importance of move fast in our task. At the same time, we must also focuses on the quality of end product either it’s follow the rules/ sop or not.

The Spider Web is a collaboration activity. Each group will be provided with a rope. They need to do a spider web using the rope. After finished, one member will sit on the spider web and the other members need to walk around with singing an energetic songs.

This activity will let participants know the importance support from each members in achieving the result. They learn how to optimize the source given without neglecting the procedure.

Transfer the Bomb is a patience activity. Each group will be provided with 6x6 canvas and 1.5 mineral water bottle. The instruction is they need to bring the bottle with the canvas. Rules is the bottle cannot fall. If fall, they need to start from the beginning.

This activity is very challenging and will challenge their calmness. It help participants to be more focused on what they do.

Activity 4: Cultural Night (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Fun Entertainment

✨Unleash others potential


Activity Description

Each group will do their teams performance. The task normally will be given earlier as preparation. They need to find their own time to discuss. The theme for the performance like Zapin, Rock, Dangdut, Singing, Dikir Barat, Dragon Dance, Indian Dance, Dikir Barat and etc.

This activity will make the participants release their stress after a hectic schedule. It is important to make ourselves happy and enjoy every moment.

Activity 5: Experiential Learning (Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Energetic morning and stay active

✨Strengthen Body

Activity Description

Participants will have the senamrobic activity by using selective songs. They will follow the movement and they must sweat!

This activity will helps participants gain their stamina and have an energetic morning.

Activity 6: Master Chef (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Preparing a good products

✨Build trust with clients/ customers

✨Communicate confidently

Activity Description

Master Chef is an activity is they need to make a set of sandwich. Each group will be provided with a set of tools, bread, tuna, boiled eggs and etc to make sandwich. They need to give their very best to make the presentable and quality sandwich.

After sandwich complete, they need to find their own customers and sell to sandwich. The price is determined by the groups, they need to communicate and gain trust from the customers to sell it. Groups that collect the highest collection of selling will be the winner.

This activity will focuses on the importance of giving a good quality of products. The preparation and the presentation of the products is the main aspect to look into. They will learn on how to use time wisely. The participants also will explore on how to communicate, build the rapport and also build thee trust with the customers.

Activity 7: Fast Ball (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Listen to instruction

✨Strategies is important to win

✨Improvement of Work with P.D.C.A

Activity Description

Fast Ball is an activity is they need to listen to the Trainer’s instruction carefully. Same as work, we need to listen first then start with a good work. In this activity, each group will be provided with a small ball. Start with the 1st person and they need to pass the ball to another member to another until the ball came back to the 1st person. The rules is, before pass the ball, they need to say their friends name. The one who receive the ball need to say appreciation words like ‘thank you’.

There will be 3 to 5 rounds depending on the situation and time will be taken by trainer.

This activity is focus on the importance of doing improvement in our task. They learn on how to understand the instruction and giving the best of their effort. They also will learn on the problem solving techniques that can help them handle the problematic situation in work.

Activity 8: Raising Flag (Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Team Alignment

✨Leaders by example

✨Team collaboration and support

Activity Description

This is a ‘T.E.A.M activity. All groups will be combined. They will be provided with the 10 pvc pipe and 3 role of ‘tali rapia’. They need to raise the flagpole to the highest point they can using support from the ‘tali rapia’. No human hold after they satisfied with the highest of the flag. Everybody need to collaborate and play their functions to make this happen.

This activity will helps participants differentiate between a group and a team. To make an organization succeed, we need to work as a team, not as a group.

Activity 9: Recognition Card & Wrap (Indoor/ Outdoor)

Key Points:

✨Team Bonding

✨Recognize the person who support you

✨Appreciate with words


Activity Description

Each individual will be given with a piece of recognition card. They need to choose one person who play a big role in supporting towards a successful work. The person can be their boss, superior, colleagues, project team members and etc. After choose, they need to write the appreciation and give the card to the person.

Wrap up will be doing by asking their lesson learned along this team building journey.

This activity will give a meaningful moments to the participants. An appreciation will be more meaningful with the writing. And of course it will shows happy moments and love.

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