Very often, businesses find themselves out of sync with market realities. What businesses perceive as ideals in serving and maintaining their customers may not necessarily match the current needs and expectations of their customers. Everyday those differences are not aligned will expose the businesses to greater risk of losing market support or losing the accounts outright. Compounded with the communication methods and styles of the new generation of leaders and decision makers, old relationships may no longer be enough to sustain the business with our customers. Bridging those differences in real-time, requires radical thinking-out-of-the-box strategies in sales leadership, performance and management.
This unique 2-day, activity driven program teaches skills that boost personal productivity and relationship building through increased understanding and effective implementation of the business communication process. By providing you with a rigorous training environment, your active participation in our program will enable you to apply and sustain your learning to a point of forming winning habits. You will have the ability to create the greatest positive impact when you are communicating at every given opportunity.
Winning Business Relationships Where It Matters focuses on the following areas: