Innovation and entrepreneur spirit does not have to be confined largely with small businesses and startups. The spirit of entrepreneurship is just as important in larger organizations to enable it to keep up with the volatile and changing environment and to build sustainability.
One asset that most large companies have that is not available in most start-ups is the size and scale of its workforce. If large organizations are able to leverage on this asset and foster innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset with its internal talent, it is well placed to stay competitive amid a constantly changing landscape. Great and innovative ideas can come from all levels or an organization and the ability to capitalize on this will place the organisations in an elevated position among its competitors.
Intrapreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship that takes place within a company. This means that intrapreneurs are not trying to start their own businesses and write up their own business plans — instead, their goal is to improve the company that they are currently working for.
So how does an organization build an intrapreneurship culture? What are the necessary building blocks necessary to establish innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset within an organization?
This 2-day program provides a methodological approach to building an intrapreneur eco-system within an organisation. It examines some of the attributes of an intrapreneur and how it may differ from a traditional entrepreneur. It discusses in detail, questions on how to leverage the assets within the organization for intrapreneurship, some of the challenges that may be apparent as well as approaches which can be implemented. Using a blend of teaching techniques and holistic thinking approaches, this program enables the participants to have a practical approach blending both theory and practice in intrapreneurship.