Professional Etiquette from Dining to Dressing Program (2 Day Program)

Introduction/ Overview

Within many professional environments, there is a silent but precise standard of dressing and etiquette. Dress and its etiquette codes ensure that’s everyone gives the exact image that solicit most works and imply greatest confidence in their level and fields of expertise. While most people have heard and appreciate the importance of a good impression, it is their last impression that carries almost such power. Today’s competition is fierce and no client or customer is locked in for life. Every meeting must end well and to the client’s satisfaction. The lesson here is every last impression has to be the satisfaction of the client and others.


In this 2-day Intensive Workshop, the participants will be able to know their style personality that enables participants in making a statement about the personality they want to project on personal and professional levels. Ultimately lead the participants to better verbal and non-verbal communications, improved self-esteem, body language and attitude around others, a higher level of professionalism and better control over conflicting situations. Also, the power to create an updated image that best represents who they are.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this one-day training program, participants will be able to:

Apply business dining etiquette

Relate to handling social conversation

Differentiate the difference type of cutlery used for dining

Relate to the importance of table manner

Illustrate the ways of introduction and socializing

Identify the body language in social event

Recognize the importance of personal image in office/corporate environment

Define the Personal Etiquette in working environment

Relate personal etiquette & grooming for work


This program is learner-centered and interactive, with unique activities developed to allow participants to immerse themselves into the concepts taught. This program consists of a mixture of group discussions, practice, theoretical lectures, thought-provoking and engaging team activities, self-learning and reflection and debriefing sessions to integrate learning.

Programme Outline
Module 1: Image & Grooming Standards
  • What is Image?
  • The First Impressions
  • Why Personal Image?
  • Activity: Image Breakers
Module 2: Traits of Professional
  • The Impact of Personal Image on Corporate Level
  • The Four Level of Impressions
  • Relationship of Personal Image and Communication
  • Communication at Work Place
  • Professional Dress Code
  • Activity: Positive & Negative Impact
Module 3: Basic Make Up & Personal Hygiene
  • The Enigma of Make Up
  • Make Up Do & Don’t
  • Foundation of Hygiene
  • Basic Skin Care Regime
  • Activity: Hand On Application
Module 4: The Golden Rules of Etiquette
  • Cultural Differences
  • Communication Etiquette
  • Body Language
  • Handshake
  • Activity: Break the Habit
Module 5: Fundamental of Business Dining
  • Table Setting & Formality
  • The Art of Dining
  • Types Of Drinking Behavior
  • Activity: Hand On Experience
Module 6: Professional Etiquette
  • Vocal and Body Languages
  • Communication Etiquette
  • Secret of Great Conversationalist
  • Foundation of Cultural Differences
  • Introducing & Remembering Names
  • Activity: Role Play

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